End of year > Manually import attendance to Cases21

This tutorial is for Administrators






You can manually import attendance to Cases21 at any time between December 25 and the start of the next school year.

Important: You must perform this import before performing the roll over tasks in cases21 for the new school year.

Step one: view attendance export files


  • Click Attendance > Export

Step two: generate attendance export file

Setup the export file to cover the appropriate time period.

  • Choose the required year and month, or

  • Select All months if exporting all attendance data for the year.

  • Click Export.

Step two: save export file to your downloads folder

The export may take some time to generate if you’ve chosen a number of months.

  • Click Attendance > Export.

  • Verify the correct export file is at the top of the list.

  • Click Download on the generated file.

Step three: launch Cases21 and choose attendance import

  • Launch Cases21.

  • Click Import/Export Data.

  • Click Import Data from ERM systems.

  • Click Import half-day attendance.

Step four: import attendance file

Any attendance data matching the dates selected will be overwritten by the export file data.

  • Click Step 1: Select Half Day Import File Location.

  • Browse your computer for the import file and select.

  • Click Run on the Security Warning message if it appears.

  • Choose From and To dates to match those used to generate the export file.

Step five: confirm details

If the import is successful, you’ll see a confirmation of the number of records imported.

  • Click Finish when ready.