End of year > Export attendance using Eduhub Desktop
This tutorial is for government school Administrators
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The uEducateUs Eduhub Desktop application import shuts down in mid December each year.
Perform these steps to export attendance ready for Cases21 writeback.
Before you start
Install and configure uEducateUs Eduhub Desktop app with Setting up eduHub connector
Login to the computer where uEducateUs EduHub Desktop is installed.
Important: You must perform the EduHub Sync before the Cases21 rollover.
Step one: Restart eduHub desktop
To avoid issues, it’s a good idea to restart the uEducateUs EduHub Desktop application.
Open uEducateUs EduHub Desktop.
Click Functions > Restart app.
Step two: Manually export attendance data
Export uEducateUs attendance data to the eduHub write-back folder where it will be imported by Cases21.
Click Functions > Manually export attendance.
Step three: Confirm success or failure
Once complete, you’ll receive two confirmations:
Attendance Export Success message in EduHub Desktop.
Email confirmation of EduHub writeback.
If either of these fail, please contact uEducateUs support.
Alternate step
Manually export attendance data and import to Cases21 after December 25 and before the commencement of the next school year.
End of year > Manually import attendance to Cases21