Cases21 Attendance Import Guide

Cases21 Attendance Import Guide

This article is for: Administrators

Manually importing attendance data into Cases21

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Attendance Maintenance 

Ensure that your school’s Attendance Maintenance has been performed: 

  1. In the uEducateUs system, go to the Attendance page and select the Maintenance tab on the far right (this may be in the More tab). 

  2. If any students are listed on the maintenance page, you need to check that their entry and exit dates are set correctly in Cases21. If they are not correct, you must correct them, run a manual EduHub sync to ensure the information in uEducateUs matches that in Cases21 (or you can wait until the next scheduled run). If you are not sure when your sync in normally run, you can go to the Home page, scroll down to the EduHUB section and check the last run notification:


  3. Once the entry and exit dates for each of the listed students is correct, return to the maintenance page (as per section 1a above), place tick in the checkbox to the left of each entry in the table, or the select all checkbox at the top and click the red Delete Selected button at the bottom.

Attendance Export from uEducateUs

Generate an Attendance Export file in uEducateUs: 

  1. Select Attendance from the main menu, then the Export tab on the far right (this may be in the More tab).

  2. Set the correct Year and Month (or all months):

  3. Click the green Export button.

  4. This message will be displayed:

  5. Click on the Go back to : Export Attendance button.

  6. Once generated, the export will be added to the top of the table.

  7. Click the blue Download button to the right of the appropriate export entry:

    and the file will be downloaded to the default downloads folder…
    - You will need to move it to a different location, so that Cases21 can access it. Preferably to the U drive.

  8. Make a note of the From Date and To Date of your export file, as you will need to ensure these dates are the same as the dates listed later when you are in Cases21:

  9. Make a note of the From Date and To Date of your export file, as you will need to ensure these dates are the same as the dates listed later when you are in Cases21:

Attendance Import Into Cases21

  1. Launch Cases 21 and open Attendance:
    Import/Export Data  |  Import Data from ERM Systems  |  Import Half Day Attendance

  2. Click the big blue button labelled Step 1 and locate the ERM Export file that was generated in uEducateUs.

  3. Depending on where the file is stored, you may receive a security warning message:

  4. Click Run to continue with Cases21 import.

  5. Verify that the dates in the Step 2 dialogue are the same as the dates from your Attendance Export file (from Step 2f above):

    Note: All previously imported attendance / absence data for this date range (inclusive) will be deleted before being replaced by the records that are on the new export file.

  6. If the import is successful, the Step 3 dialogue will indicate how many records were inserted and how many records were updated.




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