Privileges > Assign a new principal
This tutorial is for Administrators who are Principals
An Administrator user who is identified as a Principal has the following extra privileges:
Manage all Case Note permissions and categories by default.
Manage all Incident permissions by default.
Create new periods for their Campus.
Add Principal comments to Semester Reports.
Assign a new principal for their campus to replace them.
These steps must be completed by the outgoing principal before they leave.
Before you start
Public schools should confirm the new principal has been imported from Cases21.
Create an administrator account from the teacher with Privileges > Create new Administrator from teacher account
Step one: login as a principal
The principal must login to their account using these instructions.
Step two: view campuses
Click Management > School > Campus.
Step three: assign a new principal
Click on your campus > Edit
Choose a new Administrator user from the Principal field.
Click Save.
Step four: disable teacher login (optional)
If a principal is no longer teaching, we recommend their teacher account is disabled to avoid miscommunication.
Click Management > People > Teachers.
Click > Disable on the teacher account.
Click Ok on the confirmation message.
See also