Manage subjects
This article is for Administrators
Administrators can view, create, edit, disable and delete subjects for your school.
Before you start
Create a Campus with Manage Campuses
Create year levels with Manage year levels
Create classes with Create, Clone and Disable Classes
View subjects
Click Management > School > Subjects
Filter subjects
Display a subset of subjects with the page filter.
Click Filter.
Choose the subject type or status.
Enter a subject name.
Click Apply filter.
Click Clear filter to restore the default view.
Create an F-10 subject
Create a Senior subject
Edit a subject
You can edit everything but the curriculum.
Click Manage > Schools > Subjects.
Click >Edit for the subject.
Make your changes.
Click Save.
Disable a subject
Disable a subject to prevent it being added to new or existing classes. Those classes with the subject are unchanged.
Click Manage > Schools > Subjects.
Click >Disable for the subject.
Click Disable on the confirmation.
Delete a subject
You must first remove a subject from all classes prior to deletion.
See also