Create senior subject
This tutorial is for Administrators
You can create seniour subjects and setup semester reporting requirements.
Step one: view subjects
Click Management > School > Subjects.
Step two: create subject
Click + Create Subject
Enter subject name.
Step three: choose curriculum
Choose the curriculum:
Senior Australian Curriculum
Choose the subject category
Choose a subject colour to help highlight in the Diary.
Choose a chief examiner if required.
Step four: enable semester reporting (optional)
Assign a subject code
Choose the default reporting template
Choose the semester grading scheme
Describe the subject
Step five: enable grading schemes (optional)
Add a grading scheme for Outcomes and Learning tasks, with specific items for each.
Choose the grading scheme for Outcomes and Learning tasks
Click + and enter the name of an outcome or learning task.
Step seven: enable work habits (optional)
Work habits can be included for marking in a Semester report.
Tick the work habits to include:
Class behaviour
Work quality
Good under pressure
Step eight: save and close
Click Create when finished.