Semester Report Structure Overview
This FAQ is for Administrators
This structure overview is currently only available for Victorian Curriculum Subjects
Administrators can use this section to check their current semester reporting setup for potential errors as well as a guide to see how each class has been setup for certain setting.
Your classes must have at least one subject allocated to them to be reported.
Structure Overview - Subjects
The subject tab shows all the subjects that are currently attached to one or more classes as well as what features have been enabled. These are
Subject Category
Curriculum scoring
Comment types enabled
Work habits enabled
Subjects not attached to a current class will not be shown
Subject - Alert flags
There are also some validation flags included on this page.
Expected record missing
This will be displayed if there is missing data that is required for the semester reports to function properly
Multiple subjects with same subject category
When you have multiple subjects in your reporting setup that include the same category, this alert will be displayed.
Although you can have multiple subjects with the same subject category, they never should have scoring enabled for each subject as the subject category can only be scored once.
Structure Overview - Classes
The classes tab shows all the current classes that have at least one subject attached to them as well as:
Year Levels
Main - Teacher(s)
Other - Teachers
Class comments
If class comments have been enabled in Reporting > Management
List of subjects currently attached to the class
Has scoring has been enabled for that subject
Scored by learning area
Has scoring by learning area been enabled for that subject
Subject comments
Has subject comments been enabled for that subject
Classes with no attached subjects will not be shown
Class - Alert flags
The following alert flags are included in the classes structure overview tab.
Expected record missing
This will be displayed if there is missing data that is required for the semester reports to function properly
For example, no main teacher has been allocated.
Multiple subjects with same subject category
When you have multiple subjects in your reporting setup that include the same category, this alert will be displayed.
Although you can have multiple subjects with the same subject category, they never should have scoring enabled for each subject as the subject category can only be scored once.
This alerts you to check the Subject tab to identify if there is a real conflict.
Duplicate subject exists within the same year level
Similar to alert number 2, this will alert you that you have a subject in the same year level.
For example, you may have Health and Physical Education as a subject allocated to your main class, and also have a specialist class for Health and Physical Education. Although this would not impact your reports ability to score and record comments, you would have multiple areas enabled to to the same thing which is not advisable.
If you have a specialist class that includes the students in that year level, you really do not need that same subject in the student main class as well.
Structure Overview - General
This tab gives you a quick overview as to what current reporting management settings have been enabled for Class comments.
It includes the enabled / Disabled status for:
General comment
General student achievement
General areas for improvement/future learning
What the school can do to support student learning
What parents can do at home to help their child’s progress
We know that the semester reporting management settings can be extensive and at times confusing. We have developed these tools to allow the admin and curriculum team to check and verify the reporting structure prior to semester reports being written.