Exporting data from Cases21

Exporting data from Cases21

This article is for: Administrators

Please ensure that your school's Cases21 is setup and up-to-date for the New Year, including the teaching classes.

It is necessary to export all of the files into a folder on the “u:\” drive for importing into uEducateUs later.

The procedure for this using Cases21 is described below:

  • Use the "Worksheet" function in Cases21 - Worksheet is found in:
    Utilities / MAZE / View and Report Data / Worksheet

  • Then choose Display SQL Table.

  • From the Worksheet window that appears on the screen, click the large SQL button at the top as highlighted here:

The following screen will appear:



  • Clear any existing text found in the text area. Now go log in to uEducateUs and
    select “Management” on the left-hand side of the page and then click “Import”
    item on the menu. If you cannot see Import in your menu it maybe because you do
    not have permission to access the “Import” section on uEducateUs. You will need
    to ask another administrative staff at your school to edit your account to
    grant you access to the “Import” section on uEducateUs. If you cannot see Import
    after being granted access to that section of uEducateUs please do not hesitate
    to contact our support staff for assistance.

  • Once on the Import Systems page, select Cases21 from the list of options.

  • Once the Cases21 Import page is loaded, you will see a list of options to select
    regarding data that you can export from Cases21 to uEducateUs.

You will need to import all the files in their order into uEducateUs.

In this scenario, we will be importing the Students from Cases21 into uEducateUs.

To do this select “Students” from the options and then under “Scripts” further down the page, find “Students” and copy all the text that appears below it.

  • Now that you have copied the export script, go back into Cases21 and paste the text into the SQL query text area we brought up before and click the “Apply” button.

Note: Each export must be done individually.

  • The SQL window should have disappeared, and a list of data should have appeared. Now select all items in the table by clicking the top left corner box on the sheet and then click the “

Export to Excel” button.

  • Excel should now open up (the window may appear behind others and need to be selected from the task bar).

  • Save the file as ST.csv to your “u:\” drive, in the uEducateUs folder in a folder with a name of today’s date, making sure it is saved as file type “.CSV (Comma delimited)”.

  • Once the file has been exported from Cases21. Please go back to the uEducateUs system and select the data type you are trying to import into uEducateUs (in our example it is Student).

  • Finally click “Choose File”, locate the file you wish to import and click import. 

Note: importing of data can take time to complete so please be patient and wait for a success message to appear in green at the top of your screen.


Additional Actions

Once a class is added to uEducateUs via Cases21 import, the administrator will need to manually add Periods and Subjects to the class prior to teachers being able to access Attendance, Tasks or generate Student Reports.

This is needed to be done manually as Cases21 does not specify what periods or subjects a class may or may not have and as a result manual user intervention is required.

  • In order to do this, click “Management” on the left-hand side of the page and then click “School” and then the “Classes” item on the menu.

  • A list of current classes on uEducateUs should now appear.

  • Now click the down arrow icon next to the blue “view” button for the class you wish to edit and click the edit button from the list that appears.

  • Once the modify class page has loaded, a list of Subjects setup prior by the school will appear.

  • Select the subjects that relate to that class and click Save.          

Get new users login details 

 In order to get all new user login details for uEducateUs after running the Cases21 import, you will need to do the following:

  • Using the side menu, navigate to:
    Management > Advanced > Pater Logins

  • A page will load with a list of existing user and login details.

  • In order to save time click the blue Download Multiple Paper Logins button.

  • Once you are on the “Download Multiple Paperlogins” page. You will have a list of options to select and a date range to search for such user logins.

  • Complete the options as desired and click Create.

  • Once the page has finished loading a popup will appear offering you to download / open the file and “Save” this file somewhere secure and print the PDF login pages as needed.



If you get stuck on a particular step while importing or exporting the new school years’ data into uEducateUs, please call 1300 883 500 and one of our friendly support staff will be happy to assist you.

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