eduHub connector > Setup
This article is for Administrators and the school’s IT expert
It is assumed that this procedure will be performed by the school’s IT technician.
If any of the instructions in this document are unclear, you can contact the uEducateUs Support Team on 1300 833 500 or by email at
eduHub is a solution used by schools to share data between the CASES21 system and 3rd-party vendors, which in this case is uEducateUs. Using eduHub, uEducateUs has been able to retrieve and keep in sync data such as student enrolments and medical alerts.
With the write-back for automated attendance upload functionality recently added to eduHub, which the uEducateUs eduHub connector now supports, it is possible to automatically transfer attendance data recorded in uEducateUs into CASES21.
This document is intended to help get the uEducateUs eduHub connector set up at your school to help keep uEducateUs and CASES21 in sync. It will cover downloading and installing the connector, setting up the configuration options, as well as testing the configuration and setting the import/export frequencies.
Please note that it will not be possible to use the uEducateUs eduHub connector if eduHub has not been enabled for your school by the department.
Additional information for Specialist Technicians regarding setting up applications to use eduHub for automated attendance submission can be found in the eduHub TSSP Guide available from the eduSTAR Catalogue Resources Centre.
Get eduHub and eduHub write-back enabled for your school
If eduHub is not enabled for your school, you will need to make a request to the DET Service Desk to get it enabled. The automated attendance upload functionality will be enabled alongside this request.
Schools that were using eduHub alongside uEducateUs before the start of Term 3 2018 will not have to take any action to get the write-back functionality enabled. This will have been completed for you by the Department in anticipation of this update. Schools in this camp will receive a communication from the Department advising that the write-back functionality has been enabled.
If your school has begun using uEducateUs following the start of Term 3 2018, and has not previously used another vendor’s application to automatically upload attendance data to CASES21 via eduHub, a request will need to be made to the DET Service Desk to get the write-back functionality enabled.
Download the application
To set up our eduHub application at your school, you will need to download and install our standalone uEducateUs eduHub connector onto a Windows machine* with a user account that has access to the Administrator network.
If the user account has access to the Administrator network, then it should be possible to directly target the eduHub directory. If the user account is on a network other than the Administrator, such as the Curriculum network, another process will need to be implemented.
* Apple computers are currently not supported.
Where to find the installer
The latest version of the installer of the file can be downloaded from the eduHub page within the uEducateUs application. As an administrator, open the Management menu item, and click the eduHub link.
Locate the Downloads section and select the latest version available. At time of writing, this will be version 2.
The installer file can also be obtained via this direct download link:
Extract the program file from the zip and run the executable file. This will install the application over the existing version and add it to the Windows startup.
Checking user permissions
In order to use this connector with eduHub and eduHub write-back, the user account that was used to install the uEducateUs eduHub connector, will need to have the correct permissions on the following folders, where XXXX refers to the school’s four-digit school number:
\\XXXXAFS01\eduhub [READ]
\\XXXXAFS01\eduHub\write-back [READ-WRITE]
\\XXXXAFS01\eduHub\write-back\responses [READ]
If the write permissions are not set correctly, the attendance upload process will not be able to complete.
If you are not sure if you have got the write permission set correctly, it can be verified by going to the write-back directory and trying to create a new file. If it is possible to create it, then write permission has been set correctly. Don’t forget to delete the new file afterwards.
Additional information regarding granting these permissions can be found in the eduHub TSSP Guide which can be found on the eduSTAR Catalogue Resources Centre.
Setting up the application
When the application first runs, certain settings need to be provided before the application will work correctly. These settings can be set on the Configuration page. These settings are automatically saved, so only need to be entered once.
School URL
This is the unique URL that the school uses when logging into the uEducateUs system.
Example:, where demo will be replaced with your school’s unique subdomain.
Make sure that https:// is prepended to the front of the URL and that the whole URL is in lowercase.
National school id (or school number)
This is the unique 4-digit number that identifies your school. This number is critical, as it is appended to all files that edHub exports from CASES21. If you do not know what this id is for your school, consult the school administrator.
If this has already been set in uEducateUs, it can be found on the School Preferences page.
When updating this field, be warned that the folder path will automatically be changed.
Folder path
This is the location of the eduHub files on your school server. The eduHub directory will be available for users on the Administrator Network.
If the national school id has already been set, this field will already have a default path included, which more than likely will be the correct location.
If this default folder path is incorrect for your school, you are free to change it; just be aware that if the national school id is changed, this path will revert back to the above and will need to be fixed.
API key
This can be retrieved by a uEducateUs administrator from the School Preferences section.
The full menu path is: Management > Advanced > School Preferences (listed under uEducateUs API Key)
Proxy settings
It may or may not be necessary to include any proxy settings to allow access. If these are required, your IT technician should be aware of them. Based on past experience, this will only be necessary if running this application directly on the server.
One thing to note when updating the proxy settings; it is necessary to restart the app afterwards before the settings will take effect.
Test the settings that have been provided
Once the settings have been entered, click the MANUALLY IMPORT CASES21 button on the Functions page.
If all the settings are correct, it should take about 2 minutes to perform a full sync (with no errors). If an error occurs, the sync will be unsuccessful, and an error message will display the relevant errors. If you miss the message, it will still be viewable from the Session Logs page.
Once the CASES21 import has been successfully completed, click the MANUALLY EXPORT ATTENDANCE button to test the attendance export.
Depending on the size of your school and the number of attendance records you have, this shouldn’t take more than a minute to complete.
If you notice that it has been loading for quite a while, it may be necessary to restart the connector hit the RESTART APP to restart the app and try again.
If it continues to be a problem, make sure that the user permissions have been set correctly, as mentioned in the Checking user permissions section above.
Setting the CASES21 import frequency
The frequency of the CASES21 import specifies how often the import will actually happen.
This import process includes retrieving the CASES21 data from the eduHub directory and importing it into uEducateUs in an attempt to keep the two in sync.
There are 3 options in setting the CASES21 import frequency :
It can be run manually at any time by selecting MANUALLY IMPORT CASES21.
It can be set to run automatically when the application is opened. In addition to running when opened and when initially installing, the application will be automatically added to Windows startup. This will mean that whenever the computer is turned on and logged in, the cases sync will run automatically.
It can be scheduled to run automatically at midnight each night by selecting SCHEDULE CASES21 IMPORT SYNC. It is also possible to set this to automatically initialize when the application is opened.
* For this to work, the computer must be running and logged in at the scheduled time.
The scheduled import can be cancelled by hitting the CANCEL SCHEDULED CASES21 IMPORT button (this button is only visible if an import has been scheduled).
Restarting the application will also clear the schedule.
If you want to turn on any of the automatic functionality, this is done on the Settings page.
Setting the attendance export frequency
The frequency of the attendance export specifies how often the export from uEducateUs will actually happen.
This export process includes retrieving the attendance records stored within uEducateUs and saving them into the eduHub directory, which can be processed and imported into CASES21 by eduHub at a later time.
There are 3 options in setting the attendance export frequency :
It can be run manually at any time by selecting MANUALLY EXPORT ATTENDANCE.
It can be set to run automatically when the application is opened.
It can be scheduled to run at 4PM every Friday afternoon by selecting SCHEDULE ATTENDANCE EXPORT. It is also possible to set this to automatically initialize when the application is opened.
* For this to work, the computer must be running and logged in at the scheduled time.
The scheduled export can be cancelled by hitting the CANCEL SCHEDULED ATTENDANCE EXPORT button (this button is only visible if an export has been scheduled).
Restarting the application will also clear the schedule.
If you want to turn on any of the automatic functionality, this is done on the Settings page.