eduHub connector > Setup

eduHub connector > Setup

This article is for Administrators and the school’s IT expert

It is assumed that this procedure will be performed by the school’s IT technician.

If any of the instructions in this document are unclear, you can contact the uEducateUs Support Team on 1300 833 500 or by email at support@ueducateus.com.au.

eduHub is a solution used by schools to share data between the CASES21 system and 3rd-party vendors, which in this case is uEducateUs. Using eduHub, uEducateUs has been able to retrieve and keep in sync data such as student enrolments and medical alerts.

With the write-back for automated attendance upload functionality recently added to eduHub, which the uEducateUs eduHub connector now supports, it is possible to automatically transfer attendance data recorded in uEducateUs into CASES21.

This document is intended to help get the uEducateUs eduHub connector set up at your school to help keep uEducateUs and CASES21 in sync. It will cover downloading and installing the connector, setting up the configuration options, as well as testing the configuration and setting the import/export frequencies.

Please note that it will not be possible to use the uEducateUs eduHub connector if eduHub has not been enabled for your school by the department.