New year > Cases21 tasks

New year > Cases21 tasks

This article is for government school Administrators

Your start of year process involves several steps performed in Cases21.

WARNING: Perform Cases21 rollover AT LEAST FIVE DAYS AFTER your EduHub Attendance rollover.

These must be performed before you start the New Year Rollover.

Step one: login to Cases21

Login to Cases21 using your Administrator account.

Step two: perform school administration tasks

Perform these tasks as required:

  • Increment student year levels for those students moving up a year.

  • Create new students

  • Create new home groups

  • Create new classes

Step three: Cases21 rollover

WARNING: Perform Cases21 rollover AT LEAST FIVE DAYS AFTER your EduHub Attendance rollover.

  • Perform your Cases21 rollover tasks.

Next step

New year > EduHub Desktop import

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