eduHub Quick Guide

eduHub Quick Guide

This article is for: Administrators

eduHub Location

Once installed the eduHub can be located in the following two locations:

Hidden Items

Found at the bottom right of your screen:
By clicking the Show hidden items button:

Click the uEducateUs EduHub Desktop icon:

Windows Start Menu

You can also locate the uEducateUs EduHub Desktop in the windows start menu:

Restart eduHub Application

Restarting the eduHub application can in some instances rectify minor system and scheduling issues.

To restart the application, on the Functions page click the Restart App button:

The application will close and restart.

Manual Import of cases21 data

A manual import from cases21 can be initiated directly on the Functions page.

Click the Manually Import Cases21 button to begin the process:

Manual Export of Attendance

Similar to the Manual Import above, the Manual Export Attendance button will export the uEducateUs attendance data into the eduHub write-back folder to be imported by cases21:

Each weekend, a scheduled task on the cases21 servers will import the attendance that has been placed into the write-back folder. 

An automated email is generated and sent to the school advising of a successful or failed eduHub write-back.

If your school is not receiving these confirmation emails, please contact uEducateUs as your eduHub write-back process may not be correctly set up by the department.

Example of the confirmation email sent by the Department:

EduHub Connector Settings (Schedule)

The eduHub can be set to run under the following four conditions and generally the first two or the last two options are enabled:

Automatically schedule cases21 import on startup

This setting will automatically run the cases21 import at 12:00am when the application is open. 

  • Your PC must be turned on

  • You must be logged in on your PC

  • Used in conjunction with the Automatically schedule the attendance export on startup option.

Automatically schedule the attendance export on startup

Similar to the previous option, the attendance export will run between 4:00pm and 5:00pm each day. 

  • Your PC must be turned on

  • You must be logged in on your PC

  • Used in conjunction with the Automatically schedule cases21 import on startup option.

EduHub Connector Settings (Startup)

Run cases21 import on startup

- This will set the eduHub cases21 import process as a startup task.
- Each time you log on to your PC, the eduHub will automatically start and run a cases21 import. 

You must login under the user that the eduHub was installed under

The eduHub will not run under a different user login unless that user has also be specifically setup to access the required eduHub folders on the school’s network.

  • Used in conjunction with the Run attendance export on startup option.

Run attendance export on startup

Similar to the previous option, this will run the attendance export process as a start up task when you log on to your PC. 

You must login under the user that the eduHub was installed under

The eduHub will not run under a different user login unless that user has also be specifically setup to access the required eduHub folders on the school’s network.

  • Used in conjunction with the cases21 import on startup option

Settings Status

The actual status of each setting is listed at the end of each line - directly after the colon: 

The status of each setting either OFF or ON is recorded and shown in the boxes below, not the buttons to TURN ON or TURN OFF

To change the setting, all you need to do is click the appropriate button:

To turn on the application setting:

To turn off the application setting:



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