Manage permission slip equipment

This article is for Administrators

You can create equipment items and categories for single or multi-day permission slip events.

Equipment is owned (or rented) by the school and only visible to Administrators and Teachers.

Add items you want students to bring under

View permission slip equipment


  • Click Events > Permission Slips > Manage Equipment

Manage equipment categories

You can create different categories to help you organise equipment items. These appear as tabs on the Manage Equipment page

Create an equipment category

  • Click Events > Permission Slips > Manage Equipment.

  • Click New equipment category.

  • Add a category title and short description.

  • Click Submit.

Edit an equipment category

  • Click Events > Permission Slips > Manage Equipment.

  • Click the category tab.

  • Click Edit category.

  • Make your changes.

  • Click Submit.

Disable an equipment category and its items

  • Click Events > Permission Slips > Manage Equipment.

  • Click the category tab.

  • Click Disable category.

Enable an equipment category and its items

  • Click Events > Permission Slips > Manage Equipment.

  • Click the category tab.

  • Click Enable category.

Delete an equipment category and its items

  • Click Events > Permission Slips > Manage Equipment.

  • Click the category tab.

  • Click Delete category.

  • Click Ok on the confirmation message.

Manage equipment items

You can create edit and delete items assigned to any category.

Add item

  • Click Events > Permission Slips > Manage Equipment.

  • Click an appropriate category.

  • Click Add equipment.

  • Enter a title and description.

  • Click Submit.

Edit item

  • Click Events > Permission Slips > Manage Equipment.

  • Click an appropriate category.

  • Click Edit on the item.

  • Make your changes.

  • Click Submit.

Disable item

  • Click Events > Permission Slips > Manage Equipment.

  • Click an appropriate category.

  • Click Disable

Enable item

  • Click Events > Permission Slips > Manage Equipment.

  • Click an appropriate category.

  • Click Enable.

Delete item

  • Click Events > Permission Slips > Manage Equipment.

  • Click an appropriate category.

  • Click Delete on the item.

  • Click Ok on the confirmation message.

See also