Generate parent login information
This article is for Administrators
Administrators can generate introduction letters to email to parents which include information on the uEducateUs system and login activity.
Letters are generated as PDF files.
There are two types of letter:
Parent Letter | Conditions to generate |
Welcome |
Inactivity |
In addition, you can also generate a list pf parent and guardian user names and passwords.
View Parent Letter Management
Click Management > Advanced > Parent Letters.
Click the Welcome or Activity tabs.
Information available on page
The following is available on the page:
How many parents are eligible for a welcome/activity letter
Who existing letters were generated by
When the letter was sent to parents
When a letter was generated
The campus and year levels included in a generated letter.
Filter page results
You can display a subset of results using the page filter.
Click Filter.
Choose one or more filter criteria:
Date sent out to parents
Year level
Search by who created the parent letter
Search on who the letter was sent to.
Click Search when finished.
Click No filter to restore the default view.
Generate letters
Generate Welcome or Inactivity letters
Add a timestamp to generated letters
It’s useful to add a timestamp to a letter so you know the last time it was generated.
Click > Mark letter as sent for the selected letter.
Send letters by email
You can send a generated letter by email.
Click >Send by email
Delete letters
Deletion is permanent
Click > Delete
Enable or disable letters
You can enable or disable letters system wide.
Click Management > Advanced > School Administration > Parent Letters
Tick to enable Welcome letters or Inactivity letters.
Untick to disable Welcome letters or Inactivity letters
Click Save
Set inactive day threshold
By default an account is marked “inactive” after 30 days. You can change this to a different value.
Click Management > Advanced > School Administration > Parent Letters
Enter a number >10 for How many days can a parent go without logging in…
Click Save.