Create Learning Tasks
This article is for Administrators and Teachers
There are several benefits in using the Learning Task module for Teachers and Admins:
The ability to set a due date and due time for the Learning Task set.
The ability to see if a Student or Parent has viewed the task.
The ability to see when a Student hands in their work.
The ability to add supplemental material which Students can download and use.
The ability to require a Parent to check and sign-off on the handed in work before a Teacher receives it.
The ability to either block students from adding attachments, or force them to add an attachment as part of the handed in learning task.
Setting up a Learning Task
Navigate to Curriculum>Tasks.
Click on the Create Task button.
Enter the Task Name…
This will be visible to parents and students when they log in.
Set the Task Type as Learning Task.
Enter a Description of the Learning Task you are setting.
Upload any documents required by the Learning Task in the Task Attachments area.
If more than one attachment is to be uploaded, click the Add More button.
Select whether you wish to set a Due Date…
If no Due Date is set, the Learning Task will be available for submissions until the Class expires, which is usually the end of the year.
Select whether to allow Late Submissions. If this option is unticked, Students cannot hand in their work after the entered due date.
The Student Task Understanding Scale to use option, will ask Students to rate their understanding of the task, using a simple thumbs up / thumbs down rating scale.
Select whether to require Parent sign-off…
If this is selected, Parents are required to sign off on their Student’s work before it is officially handed in.
Parents will still be able to see their Student’s work if this is not selected.
Select whether attachment files are mandatory…
If Yes is selected, Students cannot hand in Learning Task without attaching a file.
If No is selected, a file is not required for the Learning Task to be handed in, but the option for Students to attach a file will be present.
If you do not want Students attaching files, select No, and don’t allow attaching files.
Release task to students and parents to allow them to see and action the task when they login to uEducateUs...
This can be done later on, after the Learning Task is created if you wish.
You can select to send notifications to the relevant class Teachers on creation of the task.
In the Classes and Students section, select the Classes this Task is for, then click on Populate Student List…
A list of the individual Students within these Classes will appear…
All students are selected by default, so if required, deselect any students that do not need to do the task.
Once you click the Create button, you will be taken to the View Task page…
The Overview tab will detail the following:
Teachers who have access to this Task.
The Classes to which the Task has been assigned.
The date the Task was assigned to the Classes.
The date the Task is due.
The date the task was released to parents and students…
If the Task has not been released yet, you are able to click the Release Task button from here.
If the Task has been released but it needs to be edited…
Click the Unrelease Task button to edit the task.
To the top right will be a cog-wheel icon, which when clicked will display more actions for this Task…
Edit Task - will allow the details of the task to be edited.
Delete Task - will delete the task completely.
The Students tab gives you the ability to grade the students and reissue task notifications as well as detailing the following:
All Students who have been assigned the Task.
Whether a student or parent has viewed the task
The current Status of the Task.
Whether or not the Student has actioned the Task.
The date the Student submitted their work, if applicable.
Their result, when applicable.
To grade students
Tick the checkboxes next to the Students to be marked.
Click the Grade Selected button.
Click the Score drop-list next to each Student to assign their grade…
If the same grade is to apply to all students, click the drop list next to the Apply to All button at the top of the screen…
Select the grade to apply to all students
Click apply.
Click the Feedback Comment button below each Student to open a textbox within which a feedback comment can be written…
If the same feedback is to be given to every student…
Select Yes for the Give the same feedback to students? setting…
This will open a textbox to write a feedback comment which will apply to all students.
For both individual and bulk student feedback comments, a document containing the comment can be uploaded if required.
The Give no feedback checkboxes are optional.
Once the students are graded and feedback has been given…
Click the Save button to update.
Students and Parents will be able to see the feedback and grades provided.
Resend task notifications
You have multiple options available to you if you wish to reissue a task notification.
Notifications will not be issued to Students or Parents if the task status is Expired, Graded or Handed in
To reissue a notification, click the Send Notification button to be presented with your options.
Selected Students and Parents will only send notification to the student and all parents of any selected students.
Never Accessed will only send notification to all students that have never accessed the task and all parents of a students task that has never been accessed by any of their parents.
Never Accessed (Student) will issue notifications to only Students that have never accessed the task.
Never Accessed (Parent) will issue notification to only Parents of students that have never accessed the task.
You can also issue individual notifications via the drop menu on the View button