Create Quizzes

Create Quizzes

This article is for Administrators and Teachers

Create a Quiz

  • From the Main Menu, navigate to: Curriculum > Tasks

  • Click the green +Create Task button to begin creating your task that will become your Quiz.

  • Complete these fields. Those marked with an asterisk * are compulsory

    • Task Name* -  This will be the name of your Quiz

    • Task Type* -  This is where you set your task type to be Quiz

    • Description - You can record the instructions, description and details of the quiz here.

    • Task Attachments - Attach any additional information that the user may need here (e.g., an image the quiz is based upon)

    • Has Due Date?*

      • When set to Yes you are required to populate the Due Date* and Due Time* for the quiz.

      • When set to No you can set an End Date and End Time which is when the task will become unavailable.  If no date is given, the task will expire when the class expires.

    • Colour* - Set the colour of the task for reporting purposes.

    • Student Task Understanding Scale to use* - Two options are available for a Quiz:

      • None - Sets the default 50% pas mark as per the table below:

      • Thumbs Up/ Down – Sets a two-scale rating based on 50% pass mark:

    • Allow Late Submissions - When enabled, students will be able to submit their answers after the due date.

    • Parent Sign-off Required?* - Enabling this will require a parent to sign-off on the students work prior to submission.

    • Require attachment files on student hand in?* - Limit the students ability to attach files.

    • Send notification to teachers about this task?* - Enabling this will send notification to class teachers of the selected classes.

Add Classes and Students

Prior to publishing your quiz, the students that are to access the quiz need to be identified.

  • Tick to select the relevant classes.

  • Click +Populate Student List to generate a list of students within those classes. Untick any students to exclude.

  • While the status of the task is: ? Unfinalised Quiz, you can adjust the previous settings of your quiz.

  • Click Save

Setup Quiz

There are two areas that you can choose to modify prior to creating your content:

  • General Details

  • Marks

General Details

You can set the following quiz parameters:

  • Add time limit to complete the quiz? - When set to Yes you can set the time limit the student has to complete the task.

    • Once a student begins a timed Quiz, they are required to finish it.

      • There is no pause functionality.

  • Allow students to see answers before/during the quiz - Students will have the option to see the answers of the quiz

  • Number of times students can attempt the quiz - This allows a student to attempt the quiz multiple or infinite times.


In some scenarios, you may require different questions to have a greater value that the others. 

Assign all questions the same amount of marks:*

  • Selecting Yes will set each question that you create the marked value that is set in the Marks for each question box (which is below the question).

  • Selecting No will allow you assign a mark for each individual question (once the question has been created).

Changing this option from No to Yes will set your created questions to the number recorded in the Marks for each question box.

Custom Grading

It is advised that you:

  • Create all your quiz questions first

  • Assign each question a relevant mark

By completing the above steps, the marks associated with the quiz will populate the custom grading scale that will assist in applying the following options:

  • Method to calculate grade - allows you to assign your grading:

    • by percentage or

    • by marks

  • You can set the Number of grades required from one to five depending on your requirements.

    • You must give each grade a name and ensure that the percentage or marks are in sequential order.

Adding Questions

We provide six individual types of questions that can be raised:

Provides a Question* and Answer* text box

  • This is primarily used for a standard question that requires the student to write an answer.


Provides a Question* field box and by default four multiple choice Answers* allowing a single answer

  • By clicking the blue +Add option button:

    • Additional answer fields can be added.

    • Answer fields can also be deleted by clicking the x Delete button.


This allows the student to select multiple pre-set options

  • Similar to the Multiple Choice however the student can select more than one answer and will be given a proportional score for each correct answer.

  • The  Question* field box and by default four choice Answers* fields are provided.

    • more can be added or removed.

Provides a single Question* field box and Answer* options of either True or False.


Providing a single Question* field and by default, four Choice and Match Answers*

  • Additional answers can be added or removed via the +Add matching pair or x Delete buttons.



Similar to the Written Answer option, you have the Question* field to set your questions, statements or information that includes multiple missing words.

  • Additional blank word answer fields can be added with the +Add answer field button, or deleted with x Delete.

You can also import questions from another quiz if required:

  • Click the Import Questions from another quiz button

  • Select the quiz you want to include the questions from

    • You can either choose to overwrite the existing quiz questions or add them to the new quiz.

  • Import or click on the required question type to add a question to your quiz.

  • Once you have added all your content, Press the Green Finalise Quiz button.

Task Options

Once a task has successfully been created, you have access to the various options depending on the status of the task:

  • Grade Students - Once the due date has passed, this option will allow you to grade the students submitted work.

  • Release Task - Selecting this will release the task to the selected students.  

  • Edit - Returns you to the Create your Task screen (Edit Task) to make changes. 

  • Delete - You can only delete a Task that has had no work submitted or graded.

  • View quiz - Allows you to view the Task as a Student would see it.

  • Edit Quiz - Returns you to the Edit Quiz screen to make changes to the Marks, and Questions.

Release Task

When selected you will be prompted with the following:

You do have the option to Unrelease Task from the View button drop down  menu:

Grading Tasks

You can grade a student task by simply selecting Grade Student from the drop menu of the listed tasks.

  • Here you will need to select the student you wish to grade.

    • pink highlighted students have not submitted their work

    • yellow highlighted students have submitted their work

    • green highlighted students have been marked.


The Questions will be automatically marked depending on the following question types:

If your quiz consists solely of automatically marked question types:

  • You still need to save the students score as you have the option to add or subtract miscellaneous marks and choose to provide feedback to the student.

  • You can also view the automatically marked questions by clicking the Show automatically graded questions button.

If your quiz contains non automatically marked question types:

  • You are required to mark each of these questions.

    • Automatically marked questions will still be automatically marked and can be reviewed by clicking the Show automatically graded questions button.


Starting a Quiz

Students can access a task directly from:

  • The main menu: Curriculum >> Tasks

  • Their Unread notifications

  • Their Read notifications

Multiple filter options are available for a student to directly find a selected their tasks…
These include filtering by:

  • Class

  • Subject

  • Status

  • Date.

To complete a task, the student can either click on the Task Title or the View Button…

  • The selected Task details will be shown.

    • In this case, to begin the Quiz, click the green Start Quiz button.

Time Limits

If a time-limit has been set, It will be displayed at the top of the Quiz  and begin counting down:

If no time limit has been set, you can save your progress and revisit the quiz at a later stage by clicking the Save Progress button at the bottom of the page.

Finishing and Saving a quiz

Once a quiz is complete you will be prompted with the following message:

  • Clicking the Yes button will finalise the quiz…

    • or you can return to the quiz via the Close button.

Reattempt Quiz

If the quiz creator allows it, you can reattempt the quiz by clicking the Reattempt Quiz button.
You will be taken back to the quiz for another attempt.

Handing In

Prior to Handing in the quiz, you can leave a comment in relation to the quiz and when you are ready to hand in your answers, click the Hand In button.

If your teacher has set the quiz to have parental sign-off, a notification will be sent to your parent/guardian to submit the quiz.


Parents can view all the tasks assigned to their students and can filter the results via the Filter button.

In some circumstances, the teacher can request the parent to sign off on a task.
Once the student completes it, the parent must sign it off before the hand in is official.

For a parent to sign off on a task:

  • Click the View button for the relevant task.

  • Click the Sign off Task button for th quiz in question.

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