Creating and adding goals to your ILP
This article is for Teachers and Administrators
From the main menu, click:
Curriculum > Individual Learning Plans
Individual Learning Plans Overview
The main Individual Learning Plan pages shows:
Students Name
Only students with an ILP are displayed
By default, only enabled students are displayed.
Review Date
Date of the next individual goal review date
Total Plans
Number of ILP this student has
Number of current ILP this student has
Number of ILP that have a goal that has not been reviewed and is passed its review date
Total Goals
Total number of goals that have been created in all the students ILP’s
Create a new ILP
To create an ILP, press the + Create button.
You will be taken to the Create Individual Learning Plan page.
From here, you must:
Select a student
enter the students name or select them from the drop list
Strand (Area/Field)
This it the broad name for what content this ILP will contain
The overarching subjects that this ILP will include
You can include multiple domains
Select the students class or classes that this ILP will apply to.
Associated Staff
Staff added here will have the ability to view and edit a students ILP and will also receive notification in relation to this ILP.
If you are not listed here, you will not receive notifications in relation to a student ILP
Class teachers by default have access to their students ILP
Press the Create button to proceed to the Students Individual Learning Plans page
Adding goals to an ILP
Once you have created your ILP, the next step is to add goals to it.
This can be done via two methods:
Clicking on the View button drop list of the ILP you want to create a goal for and click + Add Goal
Clicking on the Strand (Area/Field) of the ILP you just created
This will take you to the Summary Tab of the ILP
Click on Short Term, Mid Term, Long Term tab of the type of goal you wish to create and click the +Add Goal button
Add Goal
Complete all the content areas shown:
This is the name of the goal
Short term
Mid Term
Long Term
Review Date
This will be the review date of this individual goal
Subjects (Optional)
Subjects recorded here will be displayed
Entry Skill (Section heading 1)
Content relevant to your section heading is recorded here.
Classroom Program and Strategies (Section heading 2)
Content relevant to your section heading is recorded here.
Home Activities with Parent Support (Section heading 3)
Content relevant to your section heading is recorded here.
Success Measures
Each goal must contain at least one success measure
Add a success measure by clicking the + Add button
Each press will add a new success measure field for you to complete.
Press the Delete button to delete any no used success measures or an existing one.
When you are ready to save your goal, press the Add button and it will be added to the selected Short, Mid or Long Term tabs.
Once a goal has been added, the ILP status will be updated from No goals to Current
Goals are shown in review date order, followed by goal name.