Create an announcement

This tutorial is for Administrators

You can create an announcement so it’s sent immediately or on a schedule.

Step one: view announcements


  • Click Communication > Announcements

Step two: create an announcement

  • Click + New Announcement

  • Enter the title and add your announcement text.

Step three: select participants

Choose who will receive the announcement.

  • Choose School then the campuses and users

  • Choose Year level, then the specific classes and users

  • Choose Class, then the specific classes and users

  • Choose Student Support Group (SSG) , then campuses and users

  • Choose User Group and select a group, then recipients.

Step four: add comments (Optional)

Allow comments and allow users to see

  • Tick Allow Comments to allow comments only the announcement owner can see

  • Tick Allow recipients to see each other’s comments… to allow comments to be seen by all recipients

Step five: prioritise and publish

Choose the announcement priority and when it will be published.

  • Choose the priority, Low, Medium or High.

  • Select the publishing schedule:

    • Draft - unpublished and not yet sent

    • Published - send immediately

    • Delayed publish - select date and time when the announcement will be sent.

Step six: save and close

  • Click Create when finished.

See also