Create an announcement
This tutorial is for Administrators
You can create an announcement so it’s sent immediately or on a schedule.
Step one: view announcements
Click Communication > Announcements
Step two: create an announcement
Click + New Announcement
Enter the title and add your announcement text.
Step three: select participants
Choose who will receive the announcement.
Choose School then the campuses and users
Choose Year level, then the specific classes and users
Choose Class, then the specific classes and users
Choose Student Support Group (SSG) , then campuses and users
Choose User Group and select a group, then recipients.
Step four: add comments (Optional)
Allow comments and allow users to see
Tick Allow Comments to allow comments only the announcement owner can see
Tick Allow recipients to see each other’s comments… to allow comments to be seen by all recipients
Step five: prioritise and publish
Choose the announcement priority and when it will be published.
Choose the priority, Low, Medium or High.
Select the publishing schedule:
Draft - unpublished and not yet sent
Published - send immediately
Delayed publish - select date and time when the announcement will be sent.
Step six: save and close
Click Create when finished.