Adding attachments from your mobile phone

Adding attachments from your mobile phone

This article is for:

  • Administrators

  • Teachers

  • Parents

  • Students

File type compatibility varies slightly across modules within uEducateUs.


This module includes:

  • Announcements

  • Conversations

  • Newsletters

All of the above support .pdf (Adobe) and general image files like .jpg and .png file types.

Each file type is opened within the app environment and does not access additional features that may be available on your mobile device


The task section of uEducateUs was originally designed to be utilised on a PC or Laptop to ensure full file type compatibility.

On a mobile environment, the download of file types other than images is not supported.

There are currently two workarounds in relation to this:

1: Access uEducateUs via device web browser

Do not launch uEducateUs via the application icon, instead, launch your mobile device’s web browser and enter uEducateUs the way you would using your computer.

Mobile device users can log in to uEducateUs via the web browser on their device with their username and password by browsing to your schools uEducateUs login page.

If you do not know your school’s specific uEducateUs login page, then simply use the generic login page:

When logging in via a web browser, the PIN login function is not available. This feature only applies to the uEducateUs mobile app.

As the website has been written to include mobile device compatibility, the browsing experience will be very similar to the app. Access to other file types will be handled by the web browser, giving the user increased file support.

2: Include any attachments in Task as URL links

This option only applies to the school teachers when they are creating the tasks.

Because the app has limited file type compatibility, using URL links to any attachments in a task will again utilise the web browsers file compatibility. The URL link to the file will allow the user to access the file outside of the app.

This process is a simple as saving the attachment, say in google docs and obtaining a shareable link.

  • Simply click on the file and press the get shareable link button or bring up the menu by right mouse clicking the file you want the link for

The user will not have to login to access the file as the link itself provides the access and the user cannot edit or manipulate the file by default. Access is compatible across PC/laptop/mobile devices.

Not all devices are compatible with all document types. For example, a Microsoft .docx file will not be supported natively on a mobile device unless further software is installed via the appropriate app store.

An example of a URL link to a document is below:

uEdeucateUs example



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