This article is for Administrators
Administrators can change the default communication settings globally, or individually.
By default:
Administrators can communicate with all users
teachers can communicate with students and their parents
parents can communicate with student teachers
students can communicate with class teachers.
Open uEducateUs
Login to uEducateUs and expand your browser window so the left-hand main menu is visible.
Click the 3-bar hamburger menu at the top left if you can’t see the menu.
Change communication settings globally
Administrators can make these changes in Management > School Preferences:
Click Management > Advanced > School Preferences > Communication
Check each box to change the default settings for each user type under User types that can send conversations to each other
Change staff communication settings individually
Administrators can change staff communication settings under Management > People:
Click Management > People then choose Administrators or Teachers
Select the user and edit.
Check Can create conversations.
Check Can create conversations with all students and parents…