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This Knowledge Base article contains information is for: Administrators |
The D.E.T requires each school to add their attendance data into Cases21 on a daily basis. You can do this in one of two ways:
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Before you begin to make your attendance data available to the department you must first mark your attendance rolls in the uEducateUs system and ensure they are up to date. |
You can do this by checking format SXABCONV11002 - Attendance by Date in CASES21 and selecting the previous days date. I.e.: each day you will be checking to see if the previous day's attendance is in Cases21.
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Only recorded absent data will be displayed. If you have had no recorded absences for the previous day, no data will be displayed. |
A complete guide to this process can be found here: Attendance Import Guide
Your final step is to ensure that your daily attendance has been successfully imported into CASES21.