Info |
This Knowledge Base article contains information is for: Administrators |
The D.E.T requires each school to provide add their attendance figures data into Cases21 on a daily basis. To ensure this process on a timely basis , uEducateUs provides your school with two optionsYou can do this in one of two ways:
Using the uEducateUs eduHub connector in conjunction with the automated eduHub attendance write-back process (this is the simpler option).
By manually exporting your attendance data from uEducateUs and then manually importing it into Cases21.
Note |
Before you begin to make your attendance data available to the department you must first mark your attendance rolls in the uEducateUs system and ensure they are up to date. |
Option 1 -
Using the uEducateUs eduHub connector in conjunction with the automated eduHub attendance write-back process
Simply open the uEducateUs eduHub
Connector Desktop Application
This application is generally installed on the Principal or Business Manager’s computer.Navigate to the FUNCTIONS menu
button (which is blue in colour).
This will initiate a connection to the uEducateUs system, collect all your marked attendance records and export this information to the preset network folder for the department to import into CASES21 daily via the eduHub write-back process at 6:00 am every morning.
If at any stage your you’re unsure if a an attendance export has occurred, you can check within the uEducateUs application; by navigating to the eduHub menu found found under the Management > eduHub section of the uEducateUs system where main menu. Within here you can check for the latest run-times using of the uEducateUs eduHub connector.
The eduHub is write-back process runs each day at 6am. Your manually exported attendance (from step 2 above) will be imported into CASES21 each day at this time.
To complete your daily attendance requirements, your final step is to check CASES21 to ensure your exported attendance was it is critical that you check that your data has been successfully imported into CASES21.
You can do this by checking format SXABCONV11002 - Attendance by the write-back process.
As this process occurs at 6am, you need to check for yesterdays attendance data...
Follow…..TBADate in CASES21 and selecting the previous days date. I.e.: each day you will be checking to see if the previous day's attendance is in Cases21.
Info |
Only recorded absent data will be displayed. If you have had no recorded absences for the previous day, no data will be displayed. |
Tip |
This completes your eduHub daily attendance requirements. |
Option 2 - Manually
exporting your attendance data from uEducateUs and then manually importing it into Cases21
If you do not have access to the uEducateUs eduHub Connector Desktop application, you attendance needs to your daily attendance data must be manually imported into CASES21 each day.
Navigate to the Attendance module in uEducateUs and click the Export tab
Set the Months (or all months) drop list to be All months and click the Export button.
Your export data request will be queued and processed. After a short time, you will receive a notification that “Your attendance export file has been generated for XXXX-XX-XX to XXXX-XX-XX”Click on
the notification you received to be taken to the attendance export page or navigate to it
to download your requested attendance data.
Notewarning |
If you need to save move this Attendance Export file in to a specific location that is accessible by Cases21, Do not open this file in Microsoft Excel and choose the Save As option.Locate You must locate the downloaded file in your using file explorer and move it to your desired location. Opening and saving the attendance data will no longer make it compatible when importing it into CASES21. |
Warning |
Opening and saving the attendance data will no longer make it compatible when importing it into CASES21. |
Tip |
Import your daily attendance data into CASES21. |
You can now proceed to importing your attendance data into CASES21.
A complete guide to this process can be found here: Attendance Import Guide
Your final step is to ensure that your daily attendance has been successfully imported into CASES21.
You can do this by checking format SXABCONV11002 - Attendance by Date in CASES21 and selecting the previous days date.
Info |
Only recorded absent data will be displayed. If you have had no recorded absences for the previous day, no data will be displayed. |
Tip |
This completes manual your daily attendance requirements. |