This article is for Administrators

Once you’ve created and published a permission slip, you can perform additional tasks.

Before you start

Manage Permission Slip settings

View Permission Slips

Filter permission slips

You can display a subset of results using the page filter.

Search permission slip titles

Display a list of permission slips based on the Title column.

Change permission slip columns

You can change columns to display more information from each permission slip.

Create a permission slip

This multi-step tutorial takes you through creating permission slip events. (blue star)

Edit a permission slip

Edit and make changes to the date, time, title, description and parental consent.

Delete a permission slip

You can delete permission slips not yet published.

Manual consent actions for parents/guardians

You can perform a number of optional actions on behalf of parents and guardians.

Permission Slips > manual consent actions for parents/guardians

View students

Add students

Remove students

A permission slip requires at least one student to be approved.

Remove staff

The creator of the event cannot be removed.

Notify participants of event cancellation

Generate PDF reports

Permission Slips > PDF reports

See also