This Knowledge Base article has information for Administrators and Teachers.

Setting up reports - Administrators

Before semester and progress reports can be written, a series of steps must be taken to setup report writing. Mandatory steps include:

Optional steps can also be taken that will not prevent teachers from marking reports, but will affect report writing and what they look like:

Creating Subjects

a.    The Subject Name.

b.    A Chief Examiner (optional).

c.     The Curriculum type (either Victorian or Australian Curriculum).

d.    An identifying colour (if required).

e.    The subject category (these are based on the curriculum type selected and you can choose more than one category).

f.      Whether to allow scoring and/or learning area commenting for report writing.

Creating Classes

Note: This step is optional, as the students’ classes should already exist on the system from the initial start-of-year setup. However, you may desire to have classes created for specialist subjects such as LOTE or Art. This is handy for specialist teachers as they can go in and mark only the scores and comments for the subject(s) they teach.

To create a class for managing specialist classes:

  1. From the main menu Go to; Management -> School -> Classes.

a.    The campus the class is for

b.    The name of the class

c.     Select Normal as the class type

d.    Leave Record Attendance unticked, as there will be no attendance rolls marked for these specialist classes

e.    Set the commencement and end date of the class. Setting these dates will determine whether the class will have reports marked for just one semester or the whole year.

f.      Leave the attendance start and end dates, as teachers will not be marking rolls for this class.

g.    Select if you want work habit scoring for the class

h.    Leave the External System Class ID as empty.

Modify Classes

a.    Select the year levels you wish to add to the class. When done, click on the green Add Selected button at the bottom of the page.

b.    Once year levels have been added, click on the Go back to : Modify Class button at the bottom of the page, to return to the Modify Class page.

a.    Select all the students you wish to add to this class. To select all students, select the very top checkbox to the left of the word Student in the heading. Click the Add Selected button at the bottom of the page.

b.    When the desired students have been added, once again go back to the previous page by clicking on the Go back to : Modify Class button at the bottom of the page.

a.    Select the teacher(s) you wish to add to the class. When done, click on the green Add Selected button at the bottom.

b.    When the desired teachers have been added, once again go back to the previous page by clicking on the Go back to : Modify Class button at the bottom of the page.

c.     If you are adding multiple teachers to the class, it is advisable to specify which of these teachers in the class teaches the students. You can do this by selecting yes or no for the Is main teacher? slider button in the centre column.

Note: this yes/no preference saves automatically.

The specialist class has now been created with almost all its relevant information. The last step is to add the subject(s) to the class, which is covered in the next section. 

Assigning Subjects to Classes

View button…

Go back to: Modify Class button at the bottom of the page.


School Preference Settings for Reporting

a.    General - Options that will affect both semester and progress reports.
These settings include the curriculum type, word limits for writing comments, and teacher access to viewing reports outside the classes they teach.

b.    Semester Reports - Preferences that are specific to semester reports.
Settings include enabling features, distinctive styles, defining templates to format printed report appearance, comment boxes and the work habit score options to allow.

c.     Progress Reports

d.    Attendance Stats

Two attendance comments will already exist, which specifies what comment students will receive on their reports if they have received no absences or at least one absence. These comments can be reworded and saved as you wish and are required comments to ensure attendance comments display on student reports.

You may desire to have different comments used for students based on the number of days they have been absent for. To do this, click on the +Add Attendance Comment button. A new comment box will display at the bottom of the page where you will be able to enter the following details:

a.       Days Absent Range – The day range of absences that a student should get for the comment to be used on their report. Entering 0 for the maximum day range will ignore a maximum day limit (such as if you want a comment to display for students who have 12 or more absent days).

b.       Comment – Write the actual attendance comment here. There are multiple box options to choose from that will automatically prefill with the student’s relevant information and customise the content of the various reports.

Note: While saving, you may have an error message appear on the page informing you to revise the comments you have made. If this occurs, simply look over the comments and fix any problems encountered based on the error messages provided for each comment.

Writing and managing reports – Administrators and teachers

All functionality for writing and managing semester and progress reports can be accessed from the main menu via Reporting > F-10.

Mark End of Semester Report

a.    You can mark a single student by clicking on their name or by selecting the green Mark Student button to the right of the student.

b.    Students can be bulk marked by first selecting the checkbox to the left of each student’s name. You can select all students by ticking the checkbox at the top of the Student column. Once you have selected the students you wish to mark simultaneously, click on the green Mark Scores for Selected button at the top of the Student column.

Note: you will not be able to bulk write the comments for student reports through this option.

Mark Single Student

Once on the Mark Student Report page, you will have the option of marking the curriculum and work habits scores for the student, as well as writing comments.

Note: before proceeding to another tab or section, you must save your work if you have made any changes to the current tab you are on. Clicking on the ‘Save button will only save your work on the current selected tab.

You can also make use of the blue Next/Previous Student buttons near the top of the page. This will allow to easily navigate to the next student in the class, which is ascendingly sorted by year level and student surname.

To mark the scores for the student:

a.       Ensure you are in the Scoring section by selecting the option on the left of the page.

b.       Enter the scores the student achieved using the drop lists.

c.       For curriculum scoring, the options available will depend on the curriculum you are accessing students against.

d.       If the student has been marked previously against a subject on the system, their previous result will display as a reference and to assist in giving an appropriate score.

e.       A rating score will also display next to each drop-down, informing you of the 5-point scale score all users will see on the final report based on the student’s score and year level.

f.        Select the Work Habits scores, if applicable. Choosing N/A will stop the work habit from appearing on the student’s report.

g.       When finished selecting the scores, click the green Save button.

Note: the student’s scores are shared across all teachers in the same class. If another teacher in your class has marked the scores for the student previously, you will be able to view and change the scores values previously entered.


To write the comments for the student:

Select the appropriate subject to comment on, by making your selection from the left side of the page under Comments. The comment sections are divided into 2 types:

a)    General – comments for the whole class

b)    Subject – comments specific to the subject selected


Mark Scores for Selected:

a.    Enter the scores for the individual students by selecting a dropdown from the row that corresponds with the student’s name.

b.    Enter scores for all students, by selecting a dropdown from the Mark All row at the top of the student column.

c.     Individual students can then have their scores modified accordingly afterwards.

d.    If multiple subject and work habits scores exist for the class, it may be necessary to scroll the table to bring the additional ones in to view. This can be done by clicking and dragging the black section of the table header, or by using the scroll bar at the bottom of the table.

e.    To save your progress, click on the green Save button. Students who have had their scores saved will now be shaded in green on the ‘Mark Scores for Selected’ page.

Sample Comments:

Staff can create and manage their own comment banks through the Sample Comments section of reporting.

This page can be accessed in one of two ways:

Create Sample Comment

a.    The name of the comment.

b.    The comment type which will affect what comment box the comment appears under while writing reports. Selecting ‘General’ will allow the sample comment to be used in any reporting comment box excluding principal comments.

c.     The subject the comment is for, as well as learning area if applicable.

d.    The teacher who this sample comment belongs to (for administrators only, teachers will automatically be assigned as they create the comment).

e.    Whether you want the sample comment to be accessible to all teachers or just the teacher of the comment.

f.      The year level range of students this comment can be used for. Choosing ‘Selected Year Levels’ from the drop-down will allow you to choose the year levels you want with the use of the ‘Add’ and ‘Remove’ buttons.

g.    The performance type range, which allows staff to write sample comments for students who have been performing at, below or above their expected level. If multiple year levels are selected, you will instead be able to select a performance type for each year level of the comment.

h.    The actual comment. You can make use of the student’s name and gender box options which will automatically prefill with the student’s relevant information while used in report writing.

i.      Once all the information has been filled out, click on the ‘Create’ button at the bottom of the page.

Modify Sample Comment

Note: The cog button will only appear if you are the author of the comment or an administrative user.

Deleting Sample Comments:

Note: If an administrator deletes a comment, it is permanently deleted. If a teacher deletes a comment, it is archived and can be recovered by an administrator.

Administrators will have sample comments separated into two tabs near the top of the page:
                           a) Available comments    b) Deleted comments.

From within the Deleted comments tab, an administrator can restore a deleted comment for the use of all staff, or they can permanently delete it.

Restoring Sample Comments:

Click on the Deleted Comments tab.

Click on the View button to the right of a comment. When done, click on the blue cog button and select Restore.

A pop-up will appear asking you to confirm restoring the comment. To proceed, click on the Restore button.

Permanently Deleting Sample Comments:

Click on the Deleted Comments tab.

Click on the View button to the right of a comment. When done, click on the blue cog button and select Delete.

A pop-up will appear asking you to confirm this decision. Click on Delete and the comment will be removed permanently and cannot be recovered by an administrator.

Principal Comments:

Providing you are the principal for your school, you can write a personalised comment for each student’s report. Before writing these comments, you must ensure that principal comments are enabled in the system option settings:

To write a principal comment:

Student Comments

A student comment is a self-reflectional comment by the student for the semester. These comments can be written by either the student or the main teacher for the class:

For a teacher to write a student comment, they must have the following settings:

An administrator can set the teacher to main by:

If not, click on the slider button to change its state. This setting will be automatically saved.

Providing you have the access to student comments, you can begin writing them by:

Create Progress Report

Progress reports are an optional reporting method schools can use to allow reporting to parents in a more frequent and timely manner. Progress reports consist of a series of comments and/or scores marked by teachers that can be released to parents and students over the course of the semester.

To write a progress report comment:

a.    The subject the comment is for

b.    The date of the comment (e.g. The student demonstrated that she could count to 50 by this date)

c.     The title

d.    The actual comment itself. If sample comments have been written, you can add them to a comment box by selecting them from the provided drop-down. You will also have the option to filter the comments by performance type.

e.    File attachments that will show when a user views the comment online. Click on the Choose File button to select a valid file type from your computer. You can add additional files by clicking on the Add More button. Select Remove to delete an attachment from the comment.

f.      Work habit scores (if enabled by your school).

You can also quickly view existing comments that have been made for the student to assist you in what comments to write next. You will find this list at the bottom of the page.

Review existing comments:

While on the Mark Progress Report page, you will have the option to view and manage the comments that have been written for the student in their class. Simply click on the View button next to the relevant comment to display its content.

Progress comments are teacher specific, meaning that teachers will only be able to manage comments that they have written themselves except through special privileges given by administrators. If there are multiple teachers in the class, they will be able to view each other’s comments but only edit their own.

While viewing the list of comments, clicking on the blue arrow button to the right of the comment will display the following options:

Approving and Rejecting comments:

Depending on your access privileges, you will be able to approve or reject progress comments made or send them for approval to authorised users. To approve or reject comments for the student do the following:

Sending comments for approval:

If you are a teacher with no special permissions, you will be able to send comments for approval by:

Note: While pending for approval, you will still be able to make changes to the comments.

Managing Subject Descriptors

Staff can write a comment description for a subject that will automatically appear on all student semester reports. This eliminates the need to write the same general subject descriptions on each individual student’s report. This section can be accessed by clicking on the ‘Subject Descriptors’ button on the main reporting page.

Administrators have access to writing subject descriptors by default. Before a teacher can write these descriptors, an administrator must give them access by doing the following:

Create a Subject Descriptor

When writing a subject descriptor, it is important to note that they will only appear on student reports for the year and semester it was written in. New subject descriptors are required to be written for each school semester.

a.    The subject you wish the descriptor to be for

b.    The year level range of students this descriptor will appear for

c.     The actual description

Modify a Subject Descriptor

Changing a descriptor will affect all current semester reports that have not been approved.


Delete a Subject Descriptor

Deleting a descriptor will remove it from all current semester reports that have not been approved.

Viewing reports – Administrators and teachers

There are two buttons available to view student reports. If you wish to display reports for the current semester, click on the View Current Reports button:

View Report

Different information will appear depending on the type of report. Mandatory End of Semester reports will initially display the scores the student achieved in their subjects, as well as any general comments written by teachers and the principal.

You can also view specific scores and comments for a subject through the selection of the dropdown located near the top of page. This dropdown will appear no matter the type of report you are viewing.


Print Reports

By default, any staff member can print an approved report for a past semester. However, only administrators can print current reports that have not been approved. An administrator can turn printing current reports on for teachers by doing the following:

Before printing, ensure you are on the right tab list on the View Reports page. If you wish to print End of Semester reports, make sure you are on the Semester Reports tab. Otherwise, click on Progress Reports to print student progress reports.

To print a single student report, click on the blue cog button and selecting ‘Print’.

To print multiple student reports at once:

a.    The campus, year level and class range of students (the campus dropdown will only display for administrative users)

b.    If you are printing past reports, you will have the option of selecting the semester and year range.

c.     The status of the reports, whether they are in draft mode or approved.

d.    Display the reports all in one PDF for easier printing or download the reports as individual files in a ZIP file for archive purposes.

Note: This functionality relies on the PDF reports to exist on the system’s provided servers, which are automatically generated as staff write and approve reports. If these reports have not been created yet, you will be brought to a waiting page instead. Once all the reports have been generated, your browser will automatically display or download the file for you.

Modify Reports

While viewing student reports, you may wish to make a quick change to it. Rather than going back to the main reporting page, you can alternatively edit the report through the View Current Reports section. Please note that once a report has been approved by an authorised user, it cannot be edited until it has been rejected and sent back to Draft status by an authorised user.

Reports can also be edited through the View Past Reports section, providing that the past report is for the current year. All reports for previous years cannot have their results changed, even if they are still in Draft status.

To make a change to a student’s report:

Note: For semester reports, you will also be able to edit the Principal and Student comment from here as well if you are authorised to do so.

Editing the details for both a semester and progress reports is relatively the same as outlined in the MARK END OF SEMESTER REPORT and CREATE PROGRESS REPORT sections. The only difference is that a class drop-down will appear at the top of the page, which will allow you to modify the report for the different class results that have been marked.

Note: Changes made to individual classes must be saved separately.

Approve Semester Reports

Approving semester reports will allow students and their parents to view their report. When a report is approved, it cannot be edited by a staff member.

By default, only the school’s principal and vice principal can approve semester reports. If they wish to allow other staff to approve the reports in their place, they can achieve this by doing the following:

Those staff who do not have permission to approve semester reports will instead be able to send their reports for approval to authorised users.

 Approve or Reject Semester reports

If you are authorised to approve or reject semester report comments, you can do so by:

a.    Approve Reports – This will approve and release the selected reports to parents and students

b.    Approve All Reports – Approves and releases all the current semester reports to parents and students, regardless of those selected in the previous step.

c.     Reject Reports – Will change the status of the selected reports back to Draft and the parents and students will no longer have access to them or be able to view them.

d.    Reject All Reports – Will change the status of all reports back to Draft and the parents and students will no longer have access to them or be able to view them.

Those staff who do not have permission to approve semester reports will instead be able to send their reports for approval to authorised users by doing the following:

Approve Progress Reports

Approving progress report comments will allow students and their parents to view the comments written by teachers. When a comment is approved, it cannot be changed by a staff member. However, additional comments can be created and released for the same reports if the comment falls under the same time range.

A progress report is a collection of comments. Thus, what information is displayed is dependent on the comments written and released by staff. These comments are grouped into a time range, such as a term or month. The time range used is set by an administrator in the School Preferences.

By default, only the school’s principal and vice principal can approve progress reports. If they wish to allow other staff to approve the reports in their place, they can achieve this by doing the following:

Administrators or Teachers depending on the staff member’s account you wish to be able to approve reports.

If you are authorised to approve or reject progress report comments, you can do so from the ‘View Reports’ page by:

Next, place a tick in the checkbox to the left of all the comments you wish to approve or reject.

Those staff who do not have permission to approve progress reports will instead be able to send their reports for approval to authorised users by doing the following while writing their reports:

Note: While pending for approval, you will still be able to make changes to the comments.


uEducateUs provides the ability to export the curriculum scores for semester reports. These scores can be downloaded as either an excel file or an XML file for uploading into Cases21.

  1. Once on the export page, select from the following options:

a.    Data to Export (such as Victorian Curriculum scores).

b.    Format of the file, such as Excel or XML (different options will display depending on the format selected).

c.     The Semester and Year range of report scores (you will be able to select both semesters if the format you are exporting to is Excel).

d.    The Campus, Year Level and Class range of students you wish to export the scores
for (these selections are only available under the Excel and CSV file format options).

 If you are exporting an XML file, a pop-up will appear beforehand advising you to ensure that the reports for the selected semester are complete. If so, click the Export button and your file will download.

If the report scores you are trying to export do not exist based on the previous options selected or there is missing data on the system, an error message will appear on the page. The error outlined must then be corrected before attempting to generate another export file.

Viewing reports – Parents and students

You will be able to view any approved reports directly through the Reporting link from the main menu.

View/Print Reports

Note: Currently, you cannot print reports from within the uEducateUs mobile applications. To print reports, you must be viewing the reports in the uEducateUs system via a web browser.

a.    View – Displays the report online (You can also alternatively click on the name of the student to view their report)

b.    Print – Displays a PDF version of the report which you can save and/or download onto your devise.

While viewing online, different information will appear depending on the type of report. Mandatory End of Semester reports will initially display the scores the student achieved in their subjects, as well as any general comments written by teachers and the principal.

You can also view specific scores and comments for a subject through the selection of the dropdown located near the top of page. This dropdown will appear no matter the type of report you are viewing.

You will also have the option of printing the report while viewing it online.