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This article will provide a walk through for Parents on how to:

  • Access Tasks that has been assigned to their children, and what their children have handed in.

  • Check results given for Tasks handed in.

  • Sign off on handed in Tasks where this is required.

  • Check notifications for Tasks.

Viewing your child’s tasks

Parents can get an overview of all tasks issued to their children.


There are two sections on the page

Last 5 Task Results

Here you’ll find the last five tasks graded by the teacher.


  • Click View Class Averages and get the average grade for students who have completed the task

  • Click All Results to view grades for tasks your child has completed.

  • Click View on each task to see the task description, the grade, teacher feedback and the work completed.

Current Tasks

Current tasks fall into these categories:

  • Current - Tasks that are not yet due and no work handed in

  • Overdue - tasks not handed in by the due date

  • Awaiting sign-off - A task that requires parental sign-off before being returned to the teacher for marking.

  • Handed in - Task work has been submitted but is not yet graded.

  • Graded - Tasks that are completed and graded


Viewing a task

  • Click Curriculum >Tasks

  • Click the View button next to a Task


  • .

You’ll find the following information :in the Task page.

  • The Teacher of your child’s Class.

  • The Class name.

  • Your child’s name.

  • Whether files can be uploaded by your child.

  • The date the Task was assigned.

  • The due date.

  • When work was submitted, if your child has handed in work.

  • The description of the Task’s expected work.

  • Any file attachments

If the task has been completed, you’ll also see

  • The work and any files submitted by your child.

  • A Sign off Task button for tasks that require parental sign-off

Download task attachments for your child

You may need to download attachments for your child and help explain a task to them.

  • Click Curriculum >Tasks

  • Click the View button next to a Task.

  • Click and download attachments

Attach completed work to a task

Attach computer files (e.g., MS Word documents, drawings), or photographed handwritten schoolwork using these steps.

  • Click Curriculum >Tasks

  • Click the View button next to a Task.

  • Click Choose File under Task Files.

  • Click Add More if you have more than one file.

  • Click Sign off if its visible.

  • Click Hand In which closes the task so the teacher can grade it.

Sign off a task


If your child has completed the task themselves, you may also need to sign-off on it.

  • Click View for the task

  • Click Sign off Task.

View task notifications

Notifications are sent:

  • When a Teacher creates a new Task.

  • When a Teacher has graded a Task that has been handed in.

  • When a Task becomes overdue.

  • When task work has been handed in and waiting for parent sign-off.
